Are you interested in SDP topic? Let’s publish…

GloKnoCo project promotes further activities linked to the sport for development topic. Recently, we have shared experience with our colleagues in Journal of Sport and Development. The peer-reviewed journal has opened a call for manuscripts for volume 9 (to be published in 2021).

Any of these manuscripts are welcomed:

  • Original Research which report results driven by questions from interventions,
    stakeholders or scholars
  • Evaluation Protocol which provide a comprehensive description of a planned or
    ongoing assessment of a study
  • Systematic or Integrative Reviews which include clearly-formatted questions and
    use systematic methods to critically assess research
  • Book Reviews whose purpose is to comment on a particular text
  • Commentaries which are scholarly essays and/or critical analyses
  • Thought Leadership From the Field which are thought leadership essays designed
    to offer insight from the practitioner perspective to stimulate dialogue for advancing
    SFD practice, policy, and/or research




Global Sport for Development
and Peace Knowledge Collaborative:
Using sport as a tool for social changes.

The aim of the project is to contribute
to innovation in the area of sport studies
and development studies. 

The project was supported by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union, the Grant Agreement number:


Arnošt Svoboda

Department of Social Sciences in Kinanthropology
Faculty of Physical Culture
Palacky University Olomouc


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